Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Katahdin to Caratunk

We started out on the 6th of June, after staying at the "AT Hostel" in Millenocket the night before catching the MinuteMan Taxi early in the morning. He drove us right to Katahdin Stream Campground and with the help of a couple confused old ladies, we started our trip.

We had a gorgeous day to hike up Katahdin and down. There were no clouds in the sky so we could see for almost 80 miles in all directions. After Katahdin we hiked out of Baxter State Park and into the 100 mile Wilderness. It got its name for being the longest portion of the AT between re-supply points and being in the most remote and unhabitated.

Hikers are advised to pack 11 days of food to get through it. We packed only 6 days thinking we would hitch a ride into town at the one road crossing. Starting weights with the 6 days of food were: Anna at 34 pounds and Garrett at 22 lbs.

In a nut shell, the Wilderness was muddy (knee deep for miles sometimes), buggy (head nets and rain clothes and gloves were in order), and quiet (other than the few people who started South on the same day, we only saw one Northbound hiker). We had rain for 3 days which brought up the water levels pretty severly. The Maine Appalachian Trail Club never builds brides across their many streams but in a few cases will drop a log across the streams. (We heard this was for liability reasons. If someone fell off into the river MATC could be sued) So instead, the rivers must be forded by whatever means a hiker can find. The deepest water was just above our hips but the current in a couple places was extremely strong. I (anna) fell in once off a slippery rock, but other than that there were no accidents.

We've been hiking pretty consistantly with Jack - "Hansel" of Hansel and Grettle who was his little brother who hiked through the 100 mile wilderness and dropped trash accidentally - and Connor - "Cotton" because every piece of clothing he brought is cotton, rather than nylon or fleece which is more traditional for hikers. We've taken the names of Buster (Garrett) & Bluebird (Anna).

I've (Garrett) been amazed at the non-hiking in Maine. The day we spent in Monson, we went Kayaking, we've been able to spend some time on a couple of Maine's sandy beaches (which happen to be gravel). And right now we're in a white water resort enjoying 10$ campsites and free showers, internet & pool games!

We're a couple days behind schedule but we should be able to pick up the pace after Anna drops some weight from her pack, and we get used to the higher mile days.

Off to Stratton!
Bluebird and Buster

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